Do you have a fire escape plan yet?

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We've all delayed putting plans into action. Most of the time it's something small: you leave the dishes in the sink, waiting to be cleaned for the next day, you skip going to the gym justifying you'll go tomorrow. Another common one is to hold off a piece of work that, while simple to accomplish, it's just not your main priority right now. And so, all these things fester in the background. The dishes get dirty, you don't feel strong and the work you put off causes other people delays in their tasks. Why are we talking about these seemingly banal activities? Well, in the same vein very few people have actually sat down and put into place a fire escape plan for their home. The reason? It's not at the top of their priorities. However, like the consequences of not taking action with the aforementioned tasks, the result of continuing to avoid putting together an escape plan is even more severe.

Being in a fire is a scary situation, especially when it starts to escalate. It's easy to panic and freeze, making things worse as you have less time to react and get out of there and get your family to safety. When you have a fire escape plan, it means that you do not need to pause and think about what to do next. You simply become aware of the situation and react accordingly, saving you precious time. Of course, some fires you'll be able to put out yourself, but when things get out of control it's essential that you have a fire escape plan in place.

Interlinked Alarms can be fitted in minutes

Smoke Alarm Bundles
Interlinked Fire Alarms are easy to install and can be fitted in minutes. Discover how.
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Facts about home fires

38% of UK homes do not have a working smoke alarm 

One in three households in the UK do not have a working fire alarm and do not meet the government standards.

10,000 homes are destroyed every year due to fire

Last year saw the largest increase in UK deaths in a single year.

People in Scotland are more at risk of home fire than other UK countries

Last year saw the largest increase in UK deaths in a single year since 1940, according to provisional ONS figures

Recommended products

Smoke Alarm Bundles
FireGuard+ Interlinked Smoke and Heat Alarms are easy to install and do not require an electrician. Discover how.
FROM 139.98 INC. VAT
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